The third session of the Joint EC-UNDP-IDEA training on Effective Electoral Assistance was held in Brussels between the 22 and 26 of October 2007 within the premises of the EU Committee of the Regions. The training followed the same principles as the previous exercises, but had a much wider scope in terms of number participants (around 120 between trainees, resource persons and organizers) speakers invited (Canada, USA, Mexico, Brasil, Europe and Africa), case studies and methodologies used and targeted audience.
Further to EC and UNDP staff working at Headquarters and in the field, also attended and contributed to the workshop representatives of Electoral Management Bodies (DRC, Zambia, South Africa, India, Brasil, Guinea-Bissau, Mexico, Canada), staff from bilateral donor agencies (DFID-UK, SNV-Netherlands, SIDA-Sweden, CIDA-Canada) and international organizations (UNOPS, IOM and OSCE) and international electoral experts.
The specific contents of these training sessions were audio-video recorded and will be post-produced within the ADMINISTRA Project to become the first distance learning course on effective electoral assistance. Once produced, the content will be later tested in one of the several partner countries where the EC and UNDP are collaborating in supporting an electoral process.
ADMINISTRA Project, funded by the European Space Agency, offer public administrations an integrated satellite communication service to support e-Government services. The ADMINISTRA project proposes an integrated communication system allowing public administration institutions to receive the service as well as to transmit content – through satellite – towards their own local area of customers represented by sub-level structures. ADMINISTRA also provides the transmission of e-learning sessions which can be accessed off-line by public employees, called “ADMINISTRA Service”.
The potential target audience comprises the following categories:
Below you can download the power point presentations used by the presenters during the training and other supporting documents.
37-40 Boulevard du Régent – 1000 Brussels – BELGIUM
+32 (0)2 513 53 73