The Workshop on Formulating and Implementing Electoral Assistance Projects in the Context of the EC-UNDP Partnership successfully took place from Tuesday February 1st to Friday February 4, at the European Commission’ Conference Centre Albert BORSCHETTE, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels, Belgium.
The objective of the workshop was to strengthen the knowledge of relevant staff of EU/EC, UN/UNDP and Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) on Formulating and Implementing Electoral Assistance Projects in the context of the EU-UNDP Partnership on Electoral Assistance.
More specifically, the training provided detailed information on existing frameworks, promoted exchange of experiences and participants also acquired useful tools to better understand legal and operational aspects related to the electoral cycle and to the EU-UNDP partnership on electoral assistance.
Areas such as legal framework, specific timeframes, division of responsibilities and all other aspects related to the implementation of the partnership were dealt with in detail in addition to lessons learned, evaluations and recommendations for the future electoral assistance projects in the context of UNDP managed basket funds.
The participants familiarized with resource persons and reference tools available at the Headquarters and in the field.
The methodology was designed to maximize the learning outcomes and the exchange of experience focusing on the mainstreaming of the principles of the “2005 Paris Declarations” and the “2008 Accra Agenda for Actions” on Aid Effectiveness, Harmonization, Alignment and Ownership applied to the electoral assistance field.
Through the integration of BRIDGE style training methodology, the workshop took on board a variety of pedagogical techniques to ensure the value added of interactive learning.
Presentations were used to introduce topics and case studies to the audience. Resource persons were asked to limit their presentations to allow for questions and answers from the participants.
In order to facilitate learning outcomes, we encouraged the resource persons to use power point slides which are available at the end of this page.
Challenges and positive results were presented and served as an integrated tool to explore potential dynamics and implications.
Group work: Interactive group work was organized and all participants were divided into smaller groups. The main objective was to stimulate active reflection and engagement in discussions in order to efficiently apply topics taught and lessons drawn.
Within a teamwork approach, views and experiences were shared and participants benefit from this exercise. A maximum number of five working groups worked in parallel facilitated by two facilitators each. Each group appointed a spokesperson. The spokespersons reported back to the plenary and the facilitators summarized the main discussions in the plenary session concluding each group workshop.
Video recording: The workshop was video-recorded. The presentations and discussions were thus a crucial input to the eLearning Course on Formulating and Implementing Electoral Assistance Projects in the Context of the EC UNDP Partnership which is under development.
E-Learning: All participants were granted access to the eLearning Course on Effective Electoral Assistance one month in advance of the course. See the course at
Evaluation: Evaluations have shown that EC-UNDP-IDEA trainings and workshops have been successful in lifting knowledge levels and in exchanging experiences across the different stakeholders in elections.
Evaluations have provided useful input to the development of the training programme and a practice we want to continue. To this end, participants were asked to respond to a questionnaire to express their personal assessment of each agenda topic in terms of content and presentation allowing for both quantitative and qualitative responses.
A summary of the workshop, taking on board participants’ statistics as well as the evaluation will be published online at in the coming days.
Translations: The plenary sessions had simultaneous translations in English-French-Portuguese languages, guarantying the full and free participation from all participants.
Background materials: Background notes were provided in advance to the participants by e-mail, including the reports of the evaluations conducted by external evaluations in 2010 on the EC UNDP Partnership on Electoral Assistance.
Operational Paper: A relevant outcome of the workshop will be an operational paper of the Joint EC UNDP JTF, also entitled “Formulation and Implementing Electoral Assistance Projects in the Context of the EC UNDP Partnership”. This will be based on the notes of the rapporteurs, on the presentations, on the video-interviews and evaluations. This operational paper will be made available on the JTF web site and will also be the base of a forthcoming E-learning course.
Moderator: Deryck Fritz, Senior Electoral Expert Rapporteur: Raquel Rico Bernabe, JTF Electoral Assistance Specialist, UNDP Brussels; Lucio Filippini, Evaluator of the country level EC-UNDP Partnership on electoral assistance
Opening Speeches
Francesca Mosca, Director, Directorate for Quality Support, European Commission, DEVCO – Antonio Vigilante, Director of the UN/UNDP Brussels OfficeThe EC-UNDP Partnership on Electoral Assistance: HQ and Country Level Evaluation
Niall McCann, Lead evaluator of the EC-UNDP Partnership on electoral assistanceThe EC-UNDP Partnership on Electoral Assistance: Country Level Evaluation
Lucio Filippini, Evaluator of the country level EC-UNDP Partnership on electoral assistanceGroup Work Session: The Electoral Cycle: Case Studies Participants are divided into four groups to analyze and discuss main challenges and the electoral cycle approach in the four projects assessed: Guinea Bissau, Moldova, DRC, and Togo. Each group’s spokesperson will have 5 minutes to present their group’s discussions to the plenary. Feedback from EMBs and Regional Efforts in Support of Electoral Cycles
Abbot Apollinaire Malu Malu, President of the Independent Electoral Commission of DRC, Vice President of the Electoral Commission Forum of the SADC and Senior Advisor to ECCAS; Kofi Kye-duodu, Senior Electoral Advisor Ghana Electoral Commission, Representative Association of African Election Authorities (AAEA) The Electoral Cycle Approach: trends and challenges – Domenico Tuccinardi, Director of the NEEDS projectFeedback from EMBs and Regional Efforts in Support of Electoral Cycles
Abbot Apollinaire Malu Malu, President of the Independent Electoral Commission of DRC, Vice President of the Electoral Commission Forum of the SADC and Senior Advisor to ECCAS; Kofi Kye-duodu, Senior Electoral Advisor Ghana Electoral Commission, Representative Association of African Election Authorities (AAEA) The Electoral Cycle Approach: trends and challenges – Domenico Tuccinardi, Director of the NEEDS projectThe Electoral Cycle Approach in the Broader Perspective of Democracy Support: moving beyond the electoral cycle
Presentation of the EU Guide on EU Parliamentary Support, Thomas Huyghebaert, Head of Democratisation Sector, DEVCO E4 – Working with political parties and parliaments: some examples, Kevin Deveaux, Senior Parliamentary Advisor, UNDP NYModerator: Deryck Fritz, Senior Electoral Expert Rapporteur: Tomas Matraia, JTF Communication and Reporting Analyst, UNDP Brussels; Stefania Perna, JTF Intern, UNDP Brussels
Hard Talk Session: EC, UNDP, DPKO and EMBs collaboration in the Context of Electoral Assistance Projects in UN Peace Keeping Scenarios, Including the Role of UN Certification
Facilitator: Domenico TuccinardiPanel:
Cote d’Ivoire: Gianmarco Scuppa, Moktar Lam, Gianpiero Catozzi, Michel Paternotre Sudan: Edoardo Manfredini, Niall McCann, Svetlana Murtazalieva, Patricia MaugainGroup Work Session: Case Studies: How to Mainstream Prevention of Electoral Related Violence in Electoral Assistance Projects – Lessons Learned
Participants are divided into five groups related to the cases of Afghanistan, DRC, Togo, Cote d’Ivoire, and Zimbabwe. Each group’s spokesperson will have 5 minutes to present their group’s discussions to the plenary.
Afghanistan – Facilitators: Richard Atwood, Mireia Villar Forner, (Awaiting confirmation of Afghan EMB and UNDP CO); Rapporteur: Stefania Perna Togo – Facilitators: Abderrahmane El Yessa, Dominiek Benoot; Rapporteur: Lucio Filippini Zimbabwe – Facilitators: Caroline Valette, Isabelle Ribot; Rapporteur: Mette Bakken Cote d’Ivoire – Facilitators: Gianmarco Scuppa, Moktar Lam, Michel Paternotre; Rapporteur: Raquel Rico-BernabeElectoral Justice: the Case of Brazil and Presentation of the IDEA Handbook
Paolo de Tarso Tamburini, Judge National Council of Justice, Brazil; Domenico Tuccinardi, Director of the NEEDS projectGroup Work: Discussions over Case Studies: How to Mainstream Gender Components into Electoral Assistance Projects – Lessons Learned and Best Practices
30 minutes for group discussions and analysis. Each group’s spokesperson will have 5 minutes to present their group’s discussions to the plenary. EU – Facilitators: Francesco Torcoli, Michel Paternotre; Rapporteur: Mette Bakken EMBs – Facilitators: Paulo De Tarso Tamburini, Bechir Bungu Munta; Rapporteur: Raquel Rico-Bernabe UNDP – Facilitators: Marie Meonono, Anne Sofie Holms; Rapporteur: Lucio FilippiniElectoral Assistance and EU Election Observation: Integrating EU EOM Recommendations
Malgorzata Wasilewska, Head of Election Observation Unit, EEAS ; Georgios Tsitsopoulos, Head of Election Observation Sector, FPIS (tbc); Domenico Tuccinardi, Director of the NEEDS projectFollow-Up of EU EOM and Other Election Observation Missions’ Recommendations into an Electoral Assistance Projects in the Context of the EC UNDP Partnership
Case Study: Zambia
Chana Kaunda, Niall Mc Cann, Anne Sofie HolmsModerator: Deryck Fritz, Senior Electoral Expert Rapporteur: Mette Bakken, Jr. Electoral Assistance Consultant, UNDP Brussels; Stefania Perna, JTF Intern, UNDP Brussels
The Framework Administrative and Financial Agreement between the EU and the UN (FAFA)
avier Raya Aguado, Head of Section for contracts with International Organisations, DEVCO; Pierre Harze, Deputy Director, UNDP BrusselsFAFA Provisions and EC-UN Joint Visibility Guidelines: the PALOP Case
Fabio Bargiacchi, Coordinator of the Joint EC UNDP Task ForceImplementation Modalities: DEX vs NEX, Basket Fund vs Multi Donor Trust Fund, and UNDP ATLAS
Katarzyna Wawiernia, Deputy Resident Representative Operations, UNDP Bissau; Ricardo Godinho Gomes, Electoral Specialist, UNDP BissauHard Talk Style: EC-UNDP Operational Guidelines including Project Management Structure, Selection of Experts, and the role of the Steering Committee
Facilitator: Niall McCann Rapporteur: Stefania PernaPanel:
EU : Teresa Polara, Francesco Torcoli UNDP : Fabio Bargiacchi, Ricardo Godinho Gomes EMBs: Abbot Apollinaire Malu Malu, Kofi Kye-DuoduModerator: Deryck Fritz, Senior Electoral Expert Rapporteur: Raquel Rico Bernabe, JTF Electoral Assistance Specialist, UNDP Brussels; Tomas Matraia, JTF Communication and Reporting Analyst, UNDP Brussels
EU Projects Implemented with Different Partners:
The Case of Lebanon, Sudan and Ghana Francesco Torcoli, Programme Manager, EU Delegation in Ghana, Niall Mcann, Electoral Assistance Expert, Edoardo Manfredini, Programme Manager, EU Delegation in SudanIntroducing Appropriate Technology :
the Voter Registration and E-Voting Cases Fabio Bargiacchi, Coordinator of the Joint EC UNDP Task Force/UNDP Brussels; Paolo de Tarso Tamburini, Judge National Council of Justice, BrazilExercise: Operational Planning & Procurement Focus on Voter Registration – Anne-Sofie Holm Gerhard, Electoral Operations & Procurement Advisor, UNDP/GPECS; Victor Margall, Procurement Analyst, UNDP/PSO/GPU
EU- Facilitators: Domenico Tuccinardi, Francesco Torcoli; Rapporteur: Lucio Filippini EMBs – Facilitators: Paulo De Tarso Tamburini, Beshir Bungu Munta: Rapporteur: Mette BakkenUNDP – Facilitators: Anne-Sofie Holm Gerhard, Victor Margall; Rapporteur: Stefania PernaCapacity Development Activities: Planning, Budgeting Implementing BRIDGE Modules
Derrick Fritz, Senior Electoral Expert, IOM SudanPlenary recap: Opportunities and Challenges – Interactive Q&A
Fabio Bargiacchi, Coordinator of Joint EC UNDP Task Force/UNDP Brussels Teresa Polara, Electoral Assistance Specialist, DEVCO E4 Ricardo Godinho Gomes, Electoral Assistance Specialist, Pro PALOP-TLClosing
Pierre Harze, Deputy Director, UNDP Brussels EU – European Commission, DEVCO, Directorate for Quality Support37-40 Boulevard du Régent – 1000 Brussels – BELGIUM
+32 (0)2 513 53 73