‘Election is everybody’s business’: Preparations for upcoming Special Senatorial Elections are imminent in Liberia

Voter roll update for Special Senatorial Elections and Referendum scheduled for 11 September

The National Elections Commission (NEC) is prepared to start the voter roll update (VRU) and candidate nomination process on 11 September 2020 (re-scheduled from 1 September 2020 due to procurement delays). The VRU will be a mobile process with each team covering 3 to 4 voter registration centers for 3 days. The total number of voter registration centers is 2,080.

The Support to the 2015-2018 Liberian Elections Cycle Project, with funding from Sweden, European Union, Ireland, and Canada, earlier supported voter registration centers/precincts assessment that allowed NEC to replace centers that are no longer available and develop the movement plan. Civic and voter education remains a key challenge amidst COVID-19 and delays in disbursement of Government funding for elections to the NEC. The civic and voter education has been launched on 19 August.


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