Promoting Everyone’s Right to Vote in Sierra Leone

EC-UNPD JTF - Promoting Everyone’s Right to Vote in Sierra Leone

The National Election Commission (NEC) and the National Commission for Persons Living with Disabilities (NCPD) are working to empower voters with disability and promote their active participation to the elections. In preparation for 7 March general elections, for the very first time, every polling station in Sierra Leone received TactileBallot Guides. This allowed visually impaired […]

Public Awareness Campaign on enhancing Women’s Participation in Elections in Lebanon

EC-UNPD JTF - Public Awareness Campaign on enhancing Women’s Participation in Elections in Lebanon

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – Lebanese Elections Assistance Project (LEAP), the European Union and UN Women Lebanon partnered with the Office of the Minister of State for Women’s Affairs (OMSWA) to implement an agreed roadmap with the overall objective to enhance the role of Lebanese women for effective and meaningful participation in the […]

The United Nations Development Programme organizes debriefing with civil society on civic and voter education in Liberia

EC-UNPD JTF - The United Nations Development Programme organizes debriefing with civil society on civic and voter education in Liberia

[one_half] [/one_half] [one_half_last] The United Nations Development Programme has completed a debriefing for civil society organisation that partnered with the National Elections Commission providing civic and voter education during the run-up to the recently concluded 2017 general elections. Overall, the elections were successful and both national and international election observers highlighted the positive role played […]

Guinea holds first local elections since 2005

EC-UNPD JTF - Guinea holds first local elections since 2005

On 4 February 2018, Guinea organised polling for the election of local mayors in municipalities for the first time since 2005. Almost 6 million Guineans (5 845 345 voters in total) were registered to vote to elect municipal counselors in the country’s 342 electoral districts. Almost 30,000 candidates ran for office, out of which 7,000 […]

Biometric voter registration ongoing in Zimbabwe

EC-UNPD JTF - Biometric voter registration ongoing in Zimbabwe

As part of the preparations for next year’s elections and with support from ZIM-ECO project, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), launched a country-wide Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) process, starting on 10 October 2017. This mobile registration process has been conducted in four phases, covering the entire country, and will lead towards the development of a […]

NIEC holds consultations with regional stakeholders in Somalia

EC-UNPD JTF - NIEC holds consultations with regional stakeholders in Somalia

Jan 22, 2018 Following the Mogadishu Agreement on 5 November 2017 between the Federal Government (FGS) and the different Federal Member States of Somalia (FMS), the National Independent Electoral Commission (NIEC) commenced on 17 December its consultative meetings with local stakeholders in different member states. The aim of these consultations is to discuss challenges facing […]

“Elections Management & Operations” BRIDGE Workshop

EC-UNPD JTF - “Elections Management & Operations” BRIDGE Workshop

Beirut, 11 December 2017 The United Nations Development Programme – Lebanese Elections Assistance Project organized a BRIDGE (Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections) workshop on “Elections Management & Operations” from 6 to 8 December 2017 in Beirut. Elections officers from the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM) and members from the Lebanese Association for […]

Somalia moves towards ‘one-person, one-vote’ elections in 2020-2021

EC-UNPD JTF - Somalia moves towards ‘one-person, one-vote’ elections in 2020-2021

On 13 December 2017, the National Independent Electoral Commission (NIEC) has launched a five-year Strategic Plan to help Somalia achieving its first ‘one-person, one-vote’ elections in 2020-2021. Alongside with the plan, NIEC also released a ‘Somali Lexicon of Electoral Terminology’, a glossary of electoral terms in English, Somali and Arabic languages, which will frame public […]